You might have noticed an advertisement claiming to empowering Moms by working online from Home and earning as high as Rs. 10,000/- a day. Do not fall for it. It is a SCAM. With internet crossing the boundaries of age and with more and more elders joining the cyberworld, the scammer's way of luring people has also undergone a major change. The target age group for scammers till around a year back was people of age group 20-35 as this age group was reported to have high consumable income. Today the cyber thieves are targeting people of age group 30-45 (a survey data) as this age group is known to have maximum savings and being new to the cyberworld, is easy to be lured. There is no age for learning and I feel that it is the duty of youth of today need to help the elders to save them from such scams. I would also request that all elders should understand that the cyberworld is a way to bridge the generation gap and make full use of it.
Modus Operandi : Such companies only aim is to get as much money out of you as possible, which though seems small amount but with more and more people falling for them, they easily make millions. When some of the initial investors pesters the company, they actually pay a few thousand. This helps the company to get more investors as this helps them gain the confidence of an investor who is actually not a part of the scam. As the investor feels that he/she is actually earning, he not only brings his/her friends and family into the chain but (in many cases) also invests most of what he/she had actually earned(initially) in a hope to make even more money.
Such companies alter the name of their site once that site has created so many complaints that whenever a person looks on the web they are bombarded with enormous amounts of complaints with regards to the business. Whenever that happens the company clones the internet site and supplies it a different title so the potential clients simply cannot quickly find complaints regarding the product or service. Golden rule: If some company or individual claims that you make easy money with a small investment, it cannot be anything else than a fraud.